Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ladakh 2011: Day Four

Day Three was the day I fell in love, yet again! with the same old mystic! with the swerves and sways, and the signboards telling me that the cat has nine lives, but I have only one, so I better get a good grip on my bike's brakes.

However, day was not only about falling in love. It was about struggling like lovers. It was also about a lot of decision making, and understanding yet again that destiny does have a hand. We were thrown off our program, and schedules like flies on a wagon wheel.

One of our men got left behind riding slowly. We never realized that our man is so far behind that he would go off to sleep parking his bike under a tree. He had a troubled stomach. We did not see him around and about and naturally, got worried.

We rode back close to 22 Kilometers, to see magnificent scene: our man lying down under a tree with the bike parked around.

Now, they may have a heart of 350cc, but they come with their mood swings. His lady decided to choke her kickstart, and tangle her organs up - the auto-start motor got stuck with the engine gears, and jammed the kick. We looked at her, and she gave us nothing - not even a single clue. We decided to get dirty, and got her on to the surgeon's table. A surgeon guided by instinct and old love for the angry lady.

We opened up the hooks, and saw her insides. Like most complex cases, we chose surgery, and removed the autostart system altogether. The kick was free now but she wasn't the smoothly starting autostart anymore.

We gathered our spirits back, and rode to Srinagar. We reached here only late in the evening around 10 pm last night.

Well, this morning looks shiny, bright, and full of beautiful kashmiris. An old friend is here to greet us and help us in any manner we can. We are staying in a houseboat and calling it a day today. We will go shopping. We will visit the carpet factories. We will also visit the paper machet workshops. We will pick up stuff for our loved ones back home, and praying hard. We will indulge ourselves boating in the Shikara, and we will pray, send our salutes to the nature.

........................ it is evening, and we have done every little thing we planned. It is a great day today. We will move on again tomorrow morning.

Good night a.k.a. Shabba Khair!

Team Ladakh 2011
Houseboat, Srinagar, Meter: same old 900 kilometers

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ladakh 2011: Day Three

Ladies and Gentlemen!

An old rider once told me, "Son! it is not the first day and trust me lad! it is not the second either. It's the damn third one when you fall in love." and could he be more correct!!!!! All I wana do is share what is going on in my mind. Here goes a salute to the lands I am riding :

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed

Oh, pilot of the storm who leaves no trace, like thoughts inside a dream
Heed the path that led me to that place, yellow desert stream
My shangri-la beneath the summer moon, I will return again
Sure as the dust that floats high and true, when movin through kashmir.

Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails, across the sea of years
With no provision but an open face, along the straits of fear

Ooh, yeah-yeah, ooh, yeah-yeah, when Im down...
Ooh, yeah-yeah, ooh, yeah-yeah, well Im down, so down
Ooh, my baby, ooooh, my baby, let me take you there

Let me take you there. let me take you there

We rode and the mountains roared in base voices. The wind kept us in meditative pose. I am so thrilled, and overwhelmed with the beauty that I cannot write much.

Let us just pray to the universe! Peace!

Team Ladakh 2011
Srinagar: 900 kilometer on the meter

Ladakh 2011: Day Two

Probably the best sleep in months!

Yes, the last line was my explanation to why we did not leave up early at 0800 as mentioned in the last post!

Well... that's called flexibility for a change.

The ride when I look back at the day, has not been so smooth as I had imagined it would be. It has been .. ummm.. yes... tough.... and .... adventurous.

We are done another couple of Hundred Kilometers, and we are not at the station we planned to halt at. We are in a small place called SAMBA, which is about a Hundred Kilometers before Udhampur, our planned stop.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going. We are thumping hard, this second day. Gods were either in an extremely funny mood, or they did not like the subtle arroagance of the riders of the machine. They sent some fragments our way, and our bullets roared even louder, spat some fire, and kept us on road. However, our bodies did give way to some of the attack. One of our man is down today with stomach trouble; man is vomiting everything he is eating. If he doesn't eat, heat is going to get him soon.

No, he is not going to end up an aspirer. Man's got stamina; man's got zeal; and above all, man's got the medical team stationed back in Delhi to take our call and advise at the smallest of our calls. We reported situtation to base camp in Delhi, and they told us what exactly to do. We did the same. Man looks good. Those tablets have worked, and he will thump alright....

Well, to be honest, we have been going rather good on the bikes. Two little problems - a bolt from the engine got lost from one of them, and on another one, the kick jammed. Little problems! Really, the bullet enfield is like open source code. Open up easily; debug easily; shut back easily; integrate easily; thump your way to glory!

I am promising pictures when I return. Till then, make do with whatever you have.

Team Ladakh 2011
Samba, about a 600 km on the meter!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ladakh 2011: Day One

So, let us see where we are, and how we fared on the first day!

First things first, our babies are fine, and we are thankful to them, for they keep us alive through the hardships, winds, and the heat. We report no punctures, no engine failures, and we don't report anything from the list of Thousand Things That can Go Wrong in the First Thousand Kilometers. We love our ladies, they are not 28 inches at waist, but they are 350cc at the hearts.

The day started up early at 0500 hrs. Mother nature blessed us with as pleasant a start as she could. It was windy, silghly chilly, and there was moisture in the air - perfect riding conditions on the first day of a cross country ride!

We had paranthas at a roadside dhaba, and loved it. We kept stopping by sweet shops, and at various places we wanted to explore. That's the fun part of riding sane, riding the hindustan motorcycling way. We stop. We don't claim macho, and we love and respect what we pass by.

A fellow rider from Swtizerland, has taken a special liking to our very own biscuit brand. He has gobbled up three packets of Parle-G already.

The winds grew a bit too powerful during the afternoon, and our bikes were being pushed sideways. That's about when the crossroads hit us. We checked our maps, and realized that if we followed the signs, and the normal way people ride, we would do a 665 kilometers instead of the 455 that we planned for the day. Now, since this is Hindustan riding, we looked for that cheat code that is built in all our rides. I will admit that we were not exactly sure of how to reduce the odd 200 kilometers extra on us. So, we rubbed our lamps and appeared a genie... a man with turban on a good head, which rested on broad shoulders and a good heart. Now, he looked at our ladies and was taken immediately. He told us to ride slow, and not miss that key shortcut to reduce our 200 kilometers. We found it and here we are.

The day done, a good hard day of good hard riding. Some cramps, slight catches in muscles, slight ruffles in our hair, and a big bad sunburn on both my arms. Whoever asked me to take the SPF 30 sunscreen. First replacement tomorrow: A hard nut sunscreen, the highest this town will give us.

So, we started on a wing and a prayer, and here we are with some light grub, and lots of beer. Basecamp called, and we reported all okay.

Time to dive down deep! We fly again at 0800 hours.

Signing off, 
Team Ladakh 2011
Ludhiana, 465 kilometers, Happy and thumping

Ladakh 2011: Day Zero OR The Night Before

Thank you, Thank you world, Thank you people, Thank you supporters, Thank you those who encouraged us, and Thank you those who tried but could not make it this time. The moment has come. We launch the rockets tomorrow.

There were many requests, and many aspirations, and many many people who wanted to come along could not. Out of them, again, many said that they wanted to know everything we will do, and everywhere we will roam.

So, for all the supporters of the I've set up this routine where I will try my best to convey daily, to the basecamp how has life been for us. The team at basecamp have access to my inner organs, and will update accordingly on this blog.

I will miss not sending the pics along, but will definitely try to do it whenever I can.

So far so good! Here we go buddies!


There is definitely a log of adrenalin rush. I am excited about a lot of things. The ride brings along so much. I am excited about thumping all the way to the holiest shrines of the religion of motorcycling but that is not all. I am excited about the team that is riding with me. I am excited about meeting up old friends who I met aquaintances with, as a lone rider, back when I did my last tour.

I try to sleep, but my body is failing me. I call up my sis, who is a doc, and she tells me this is normal for people before the moment of truth arrives. Did she train for being  a doc or a priest?

So, I leave the bed, and hold on to my pack of cigarette. Take a lady out and we dance. I wonder how my cigarette brands have changed over the years. I try to remember some of the best smokes I have had. They turn out to be around my various motorcycle escapades, including the one with villagers in interiors of Rajasthan, sitting under a truck, narrating ghost stories.

I find myself drawn to the mountain curves that I will navigate in the coming days, and I think PEACE.

We leave at 0500 hrs tomorrow. The day will be hectic, and a bit tough on the first time riders. We aim to cover around half a Thousand Kilometers.

Wish me luck! Wish me peace! Wish me symbiosis with the universe!
Wish the world peace! Wish the hills long life! Wish the evil away!

We launch Now!
Ladakh 2011 begins!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Suffer Vs. सफ़र

जी हाँ! ये किस्सा suffer से शुरु हो कर सफ़र तक पहुँचा, और ज़िन्दगी में कभी न भूलने वाला अनुभव दे कर चला गया। तो कहानी शुरु होती है
IBM Daksh के एक फ़्लोर पर, जब सबके मन में आया कि हमें भी कहीं घूमने जाना चाहिये। बहुत दिनों से बस काम ही करते जा रहे हैं। तो ज़ाहिर है सवाल उठा कि जायें कहाँ। बहुमत से rafting के लिये जाने का प्लान निर्धारित हुआ, लेकिन rafting के लिये जाने में एक बडी अडचन थी, और वो ये कि जिस तारीख पर हम जाना चाहते थे, उसे तारीख पर बाकी दुनिया भी जाना चाहती थी। फ़र्क बस इतना था कि उन्हें ये सब हमसे पहले चमक गया, और उन्होंने अपने लिये reservations भी करवा लिये थे। तो जैसा कि आप समझ चुके हैं हमें वहाँ जगह नहीं मिली। यकीन करिये कि अब समस्या गंभीर रूप ले चुकी थी - सब लोग तैयार हैं, पैसे जमा हैं, बस हमें कोई rafting करवाने के लिये तैयार नहीं है।

तभी न जाने किसने हम लोगों को उत्तरांचल के कुमाऊँ क्षेत्र में जाने का सुझाव दिया। मुझे नहीं पता ये किसने सुझाया, और सच कहूँ तो मुझे परवाह भी नहीं थी - और वो इसलिये क्योंकि मैं दरअसल कहीं जाना भी नहीं चाहता था, लेकिन ऐसा सोचने वाला मैं अकेला नहीं था, दो और भी थे - खुश्बू और पायल। हम तीनों को लग रहा था कि ये सौ प्रतिशत पैसे की बरबादी है, और न जाने कहाँ ले जा कर डाल दिये जायेंगे। तो मैने जाने से इंकार कर दिया, मगर तभी हमारे प्यारे मनेजर श्रीमान आशु जी प्रकट हुये, और उनके हुक्म की तौहीन न करते हुये, हम तीनों को राज़ी होना पडा। ख़ैर, हम तीनों आधे-अधूरे मन से जाने को राज़ी हो ही गये।

शुक्रवार की घोर अँधियारी रात के साढे बारह बजे गुडगाँव ऑफ़िस से हम लोगों ने अपना सफ़र .... sorry, suffer... शुरु कर ही दिया!

गाडी ने अभी चालीस की भी रफ़्तार नहीं पकडी थी कि कुछ लोगों को माहौल थोडा गरम सा लगा, और ड्राइवर साहेब को हुक्म दिया गया कि कृपया गाडी का ए.सी. चालू किया जाये। हुक्म की तामील हुई, और माहौल खुशनुमा हो गया। थोडी देर बाद किसी ने प्रश्न किया कि इस गाडी में कोई अच्छा गाना नहीं बज सकता क्या। ड्राइवर साहेब की जद्दोजहद और यात्रियों की बहस के बाद टेप-रिकार्डर को बंद करके हम खुद ही शुरु हो गये। बहुत आनंद आ रहा था, कुछ लोग अपनी अपनी बियर निपटा चुके थे। यहाँ तक कि नीलेश बाबू तक के स्वर ज़ोर-शोर से बाहर आने लगे थे - वो करीब एक बियर निपटा चुके थे। सब कुछ मजेदार चल रहा था, कि तभी ड्राइवर साहब ने झटके से गाडी को एक पेट्रोल पंप पर ला खडा किया। उन्होंने सुझाया कि यहाँ टँकी फ़ुल करने से पूरे सफ़र में दुबार नहीं रुकना पडेगा। अभी तक हम लोग दिल्ली तक ही पहुँचे थे। डीजल भरा गया, गाडी चलनी शुरु हुई, और तभी ड्राइवर साहब ने सूचना दी कि टायर पंचर हो गया है, मगर घबराने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, तुरंत ठीक कर दिया जायेगा। हमने भी सोचा कि कोई बात नहीं, ये तो होता ही रहता है, साधारण सी बात है। समय बिताने के लिये कैमराबाज़ी की गयी, और टायर बनते ही सफ़र फ़िर चालू हो गया।
गाडी नोयडा पहुँचने ही वाली थी कि ड्राइवर साहब ने हल्की चिंता जताते हुये ख़बर दी कि वही टायर फ़िर से पंचर हो गया है। हुआ ये था कि हमारी स्टेपनी पेट्रोल पंप पर ही पंचर हो चुकी थी।ख़ैर, लोगों ने हिम्मत दिखाते हुये, एक ऑटो वाले को पकडा, उसमें दोनों टायर रख कर, ड्राइवर साहब को भी ठूँस दिया गया, और भेज दिया पंचर बनवाने।

यहाँ से शुरु हुआ एक लंबा इंतज़ार जिसने इस सफ़र को suffer में बदलने में कोई कसर नहीं छोडी। इस बीच गाडी में लोगों की हालत कुछ इस तरह थी कि
adventure की प्यासी तेरह आत्मायें नोयडा के व्यस्ततम हाइवे पर खडी थीं, और हमारे खून के प्यासे कई करोड मच्छर, जो शायद हमें सुकून से खुदकुशी भी न करने देते। गाडी के नीचे जैक लगा था इसलिये हम उसके अंदर भी नहीं जा सकते थी, और बाहर कमबख्त मच्छर बैठने नहीं दे रहे थे। फ़िर क्या था, हम उन खून के प्यासे दरिंदो से अस्तित्व की लडाई कर रहे थे। तभी अचानक, हमारी सीधी-सादे खुश्बू जी का बरदाश्त का बाँध टूट गया, और वो बोलीं, "यार, हद होती है। ये ड्राइवर कहाँ मर गया। मैं जा रही हूँ घर, भाड में जाये सातताल-वातताल।" वो इतनी serious थीं कि मैं भी वापस जाने के लिये ललचा गया। फ़िर भी, मैनें पंद्रह मिनट और इंतज़ार करने के लिये सबको convince किया, और साथ में ये भी कहा कि अगर ड्राइवर नहीं आया, तो हम सब वापस लौट जायेंगे, और दुआ करी की ड्राइवर वापस आ जायें - और कमाल देखिये, कि वो लौट भी आये।

रात को साढे तीन बचे, ड्राइवर साहेब का रथ पंचर-युद्ध पर निकला था, और वापसी सुबह सात बजे हुई थी। बहरहाल, टायर लगाया गया, और हम मंज़िल की ओर चल दिये।
हमारे suffer की कहानी उस पंचर पर ही ख्त्म नहीं हुई। रास्ते भर में कुछ पाँच, छः बार और टायर पंचर हुआ। इसके बाद गढ-मुक्तेश्वर में हुआ था। वो आखिरी इसलिये था क्योंकि उसके बाद हमने गाडी और ड्राइवर साहब दोनों को त्याग कर एक नयी छोटी गाडी कर ली थी। हम तेरह खाते-पीते घर के लोग और उनका सामन एक बेचारी क्वालिस (Qualis) पर लद गये थे। Qualis और हमनें वक्त की नज़ाकत को समझते हुए, समझौता कर लिया। पर हम सबने मुसीबत में भी मज़ा ढूँढा और अपने पसंदीदा गाने गाने शुरु कर दिये। अब suffer, कुछ हद तक सफ़र मे तब्दील होता दिख रहा था। बस, qualis, हम तेरह स्लिम-ट्रिम लोगों के लिहाज़ से ज़रा छोटी पड रही थी।
जैसे-तैसे हम सातताल पहुँचे। Qualis रुकी, हम उतरे, और सामने का नज़ारा देख कर हम दंग रह गये। इतनी खूबसूरत जगह मैनें पहले कभी नहीं देखी थी। फ़िर जब मेरी नज़र नज़ारों से हटी, तो मैनें सबको देखा। किसी के भी चेहरे पर थकान का नामोनिशान न दिखा। उस जगह का असर सब पर हो रहा था। हमें वहाँ tent में रहना था, और वो भी इन नज़ारों के बीचोंबीच।
इस जगह का सुझाव सुरभित ने दिया था। उन्होंने मुझे इस जगह के बारे में बहुत कुछ बताया। मैं तो उनका मुरीद हो गया। What a person! हम सब का उन्होंने बेहतर ख्याल रखा, और शिकायत का एक भी मौका नहीं दिया। हमने वहाँ शाम को campfire में ढेरो गाने गाये। ढोलक, गिटार , और कुमाउनी गाने सुन कर दिल बागबाग हो गया। इस जगह नें मुझे मेरे दोस्तों के और भी करीब ला खडा किया। मैनें उनके मन की बातें सुनीं , और अपने दिल की बातें बतायीं। वहाँ मुझे वो सुकून और शांति मिली जिसकी मुझे कई महीनों से ज़रूरत थी।

मुझे लगता है कि ऐसी जगह पर हर इंसान को कम से कम साल में एक बार तो जाना ही चाहिये। हमने रास्ते में जितनी भी मुश्किलें झेलीं, उस जगह ने उस सबकी कीमत अदा कर दी।

सुरभित का शुक्रिया, हमें ऐसी खूबसूरत जगह ले जाने के लिये।

सदफ़ उल्लाह ख़ान
IMAC Asset Analyst
IBM India

Oh yes! this started with 'suffer' and finally ended up as a legitimate सफ़र (a hindi word which is pronounced as suffer, but actually means a journey). It went away giving us memories that we will never ever forget. The story begins on a floor of IBM Daksh, when we all thought that we should go away from the moribund city life. We'd been working like crazy since ever. Obviously, the big question was where to go. Popular choice was to go on a rafting trip. However, there was a serious problem in that one. This was the weekend when the rest of the world also wanted to escape the city life, and they being better planners, had booked all the rafting facilities ahead of us. So, we did not get any rafting space. The problem was really serious by now - we are ready, money has been collected, and there is not a single person/camp ready to get us a rafting camp.

At that point, someone came up with the idea of going to the
Kumaon area of Uttaranchal - not that I care much about who it was - and more so, because I wasn't even really enthusiastic to go at all, and to top it all, there were two more people - Khushboo, and Payal - who thought like me. We all thought that this was complete wastage of money, and we were a tad worried about where in the jungle would we be dumped. So, I refused to go, but our manager Mr. Ashu came in right at that moment, and convinced us. It was because of his convincing that we had to agree to go, albeit with a little reluctance.

Friday night, dark dead roads, half past mid-night, we starte our सफ़र (Safar) .... I mean.. suffer.

Our vehicle had not touched 40 kmph, and we found it quite hot inside. The driver was requested to turn the AC on, and he agree. Suddenly, we were all happy and singing. The real reason to start singing was that it was impossible for us to bear what the music system in the vehicle was playing anyway. We were thoroughly enjoying. Most people had consumed their quota of beer by now. Even Neelesh Babu was crooning away to glory, thanks to the crate of beer that he had under his seat.

God was in heaven, and all seemed to go well. Suddenly, with a swerve of the steering wheel, the driver parked us in a petrol pump, and suggested that we should tank up here only, so that we don't have to bother about refuelling elsewhere. We agree, refuelled, and started moving.

This was when the Gods disagreed with our plan. We discovered a punctured tyre, and we had to stop. The driver consoled us poor souls, and mended the puncture by using the extra tyre from the boot. Well, we thought, this happens, and it's life and blah blah blah .. and we got going after having whiled away our time photographing.

By the time we were about to reach Noida, the driver started looking worried. He then informed us that the same tyre had suffered yet another puncture. Of course, the spare tyre had already been used up at the petrol pump. Anyway, we showed courage, and got an autorikshaw to carry our two tyres and the driver to some place where they could get the tyres mended and come back.

Thus started the long tale of the longest wait ever caused in the age after the neanderthals because of punctured tyres. This sure was beginning to turn into a suffer from the good old desirable pleasant सफ़र (Safar)we had imagined.

Thirteen adventure thirsty souls were stranded on a freeway in NOIDA, and Crores of bloody thirsty mosquitoes were having a feast at our expense. They wouldn't have allowed us to even commit suicide in peace. We could not go inside the vehicle as it was standing on the jack, and could not bear the weight of us 13 well-fed individuals. Thus, went on the battle.

Khushboo's was the first dam of tolerance broken. She blurted out, "enough is enough, where the hell has the driver gone, I am going back home, to hell with
Saat-tal". She was so serious that she even had me convinced about it. I was tempted, honestly. Then, for some weird reason, I asked everyone to wait for another fifteen minutes, and agreed to call it a day if the driver did not turn up. .... and just as luck would have it, our driver came back.

It was three a.m. when the driver had left, and he had come back only at seven a.m. Anyway, we fixed the tyre up, and got us going yet again.

Our suffer did not end right there. The same thing happened to us about six to seven times. By the time, we reached Garh-Mukteshwara, we were done with the vehicle. We moved over to another smaller car that we hired - a qualis - which was a bit smaller for the thirteen well-fed individuals, however, adventurous we may be. Like we would do always, we started crooning our favourite songs.

We reached Saat-tal. Got off the car, and were completely mesmerized by what we saw there. We were spellbound by the natural beauty. Not a single person from our group seemed tired at all. The place had stung us all. I was thrilled to see that I was going to spend time in that little heaven, that too in tents, amidst the stars and open skies.

Surbhit had suggested this place, and arraged for it all using his stuff at I am his fan by now. What a person!

He took it as if we were his personal guests, and took great care of us. We did not even a single chance to complain about anything at all.

We had a great campfire in the night. Along with Dholak, Guitar, and local Kumaoni songs, we had a ball.

The best part about his place was that it was able to somehow make us shed our curtains, and be open with each other. It drew me closer to my friends. I was able to convey my feelings, and so were my friends. I got the peace and tranquility that I was looking forward to , since such a long time.

I believe, and recommend that every human being should find time at least once a year to go to places like this one. Our सफ़र was troublesome, and quite painful, but our reward did not let us suffer at all.

I thank
Surbhit, and Hindustan Motorcycling for this lovely trip, and I will come back again and again.

Thanks a ton, really!

Sadaf Ullah Khan
IMAC Asset Analyst
IBM India

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rafting the Ganges

I can hardly believe just a month ago we were packing up our things and moving onto Rishikesh. Its a big change from the over crowded New Delhi, but it sure haven't taken long to fall in love with our newly found camping home in Shivpuri, Rishikesh.

The place itself is some kind of a mixture of nature and peaceful soul or unequivocally it wont be a misnomer to say that it was a soulful place for all of us.
We spent one night and two days and still a night before rafting is living in our eyes as a scintillating Bon Fire night where everybody was shouting, dancing and singing in joy to the victory of our Indian Cricket Team as they won the World Cup. Alongside, a great special emphasis was given even to the even the minute details in order to add upto our expectations. The Staff who cooked food was courteous and hospitable and the cooked food was delicious. Camping was a time for us to share stories, to make up a conversation and to share great laughters with our glass of wines. In this way I and my team have made lots of new friends and they thouroughly enjoyed their trip amongst the gorgeous Shivalik mountains.

After embracing the morning glory we headed towards our starting point of Rafting. It did not take long to reach Marine Drive (a place where we started our rafting in Rishikesh). After getting some instructions before rafting we jumped over to our rafts and first slowly started paddling on the clean and clear stream of water. So with our life jackets and helmets on, we spent the quality time in rafting and the best part when we were whizzing down the stream to come across eight rapids pretty faster than our expectations on the river Ganges which kept flowing and flowing. We had a chance to Body surf and swam in the river wherever we wanted. We all were thrilled to showcase our individual skills in the water and excited about the fact it was new to us. We did it with our highest unbelivable adernalin rush.
With great vigour, strength and loud noices we hit some of the most enjoyable rapids on the river Ganga which is Black Money, hilton and Double and Trouble. Apart from that, with the exhuberance of youth we faced the most exciting rapids on the river Ganga which is Roller Coaster, Return to Sender, Three Blind Mice, Crossfire and Golf Course.

As Rafting is a team sport so we truly felt ourselves as one great team going together facing challenges together and cooperating in following the instructions given by the guide, it was divine. We also tried Cliff Jumping under strict supervision of highly trained staff. It was great fun. Nevertheless , the support and knowledge received from 'Harda' our raft guide and 'Surbhit' Director of
Hindustan Motorcycling Company will never be forgotton by our whole team.
Finally we finished just before Lakshman Jhula and with our bags packed, we came back to Delhi but also taken with us the golden memories that i am sure all of us will cherish in future. Nevertheless, a great deal of happiness was made possible only after thorough planning and organising it nicely for which the credit should go to Hnidustan Motorcycling company. All in all it was a trip of our life time and all of us loved it.

Sandeep Khatri
Operations Analyst

(Participant - Rafting the Ganges!)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Highland Himalayas Motorcycle Ride

What would someone who has just been back from a Himalayan motorcycle ride talk about? - Mountains, cold weather, rains, zigzag roads, tiring drives, mountain sickness, tourist spot etc.
Well, when we were back from
The Highland Himalayas Motorcycle Ride, we were talking about the black pea grains, white pea grains, enthusiasm, belief in oneself, teamwork and how to make impossible possible.

Lights a bulb in your brain? Well, here you go!

Most people go on with their lives, never taking a pause to think of what all they had planned to do when they were kids or teenagers. Most people go on doing what their daily chores require them to do. Any pauses that come are probably cigarette breaks where colleagues whine about not being able to take a pause.

The above situation changes when your motorcycle leaves the asphalt road and dives into a slippery mud path and does not stop at any of those sharp turns you thought it will not be able to negotiate and it climbs and climbs and climbs and slowly, the feeling of danger gives way to a numbness that makes you think – What if it ends at this moment! The result is a pause and the process of thought. Entire life runs like a film in your mind and you wonder how much more there is to life than you currently are doing.
I will never be able to look at Hindustan Motorcycling as a company that takes me to these tours. If anything, I look at it as if it is my alma mater. Most important thing that these companions in the journey of self-exploration have done is made me think about my life, my personality and why do I behave in a particular way.

In the beginning, continental food at 6000 ft sounds like a bliss and a discussion that analyses your behaviour thread by thread seems a little too much. Post two camping-experiences with
Hindustan Motorcycling; I look forward to it every day.

It is just not possible to explain what
Hindustan Motorcycling does to your thinking and your way of looking at things. The most important part is not that they do it – the way they do it with all the freedom and leisure is amazing.

However, on coming back to Delhi, one has to be ready to listen to a complaining girlfriend or a boyfriend say, “Next time, you are not going anywhere where your mobile does not work.”

Cheers to
HMC Team!

Guy Jones

Participant –
The Highland Himalayas Motorcycle Ride

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Laddakh 2011 - A Motorcycle Ride To Find Yourself Again!

Undeniably one of the toughest journeys anywhere – we take you across some of the highest roads on earth – on top of the world and at altitudes that will leave you speechless with anticipation and exhilaration.

This adventure takes on hazards such as landslides, snow-melt waters, desert sands and glacial movements. The mighty Himalayan range with its wilderness and barren landscapes will eclipse anything you might have ridden through before or ever imag­ined of in your wildest dreams.

Laddakh is an experience and an extraordinary place where stupendous scenery and its people are truly charming. Immerse yourself in ancient cultures will thriving in these remote areas of the upper Himalayas and the experience you take away with you. We guarantee these journeys will definitely leave a remarkable impression on you.

CALL # +91 93 119 119 06



Your Responsibility

You participate with HMC knowingly as a competent rider and do so entirely at your own risk. Understanding that motorcycle touring on and off-road involves certain amount of risk and you need to have the openness and the ability to adapt to your environment. Riding through developing countries – besides the terrain – challenges are prevalent.

A full motorcycle license comes in handy with at least a year to two’s riding experience. One thing we do ask of everyone is please respect your fellow riders and the people whose lands your cross.

Our Responsibility

Is to make sure you have the time of your life. But at our discretion any rider seen taking unnecessary risks en-route will have their journey terminated, thereafter travelling in one of the support-vehicles for remainder of the tour or their tour ended forthwith. No reimbursement will be given. It is also our duty to make sure in the event of any unforeseeable circumstances – we keep your adventure on track without too many interruptions.


To book a place on your chosen tour you must complete booking form attached and submit with the required deposit. A contract between you and Hindustan Motorcycling Company will exist from the date on the confirmation invoice. From your booking form, it will be deemed you have read and accept the Terms & Conditions set out in this document.



Deposit and Balance payment

· 60% of the total payable amount needs to deposit per person as a confirmation amount.

· Balance made payable 8 weeks before the departure date.

· If you are booking within 8 weeks of departure, full payment is due.

How to pay?

Please make cheques payable to


Hindustan Motorcycling Company, LLP

B34, LGF, Freedom Fighter Enclave

IGNOU Road, Neb Sarai

New Delhi – 110 068


Online banking: Deposit payments can also be made via bank transfer and online banking - or you can pay your deposit into HMC’s bank account at any AXIS BANK. HMC’s banking details can be provided on request.


· all fuel – basic spare parts

· all accommodation (twin sharing hotels – guesthouse – camping)

· all meals (breakfast – dinner) Lunch is not included.

· guides – team leaders

· Royal Enfield Mechanic

· medic/first aider

· bottled mineral water (No alcohol)

Not included: The above mentioned cost does not include:

· International / National flights

· Visa

· Travel Insurance, including medical and repatriation

· Entrance fees to world heritage sites

· Any type of internal transfers

· Support Vehicle

· 500cc / 350cc Royal Enfield Bullet (On Request Only on an additional cost)

· Permits Fees for restricted areas (India-Tibet border)

· Entry Fees/ Tickets to any museum, zoo, or where ever it is applicable.

· And anything which is not mentioned here.

Accommodation (2 people per room)
Accommodation ranges from hotel, guesthouses to camping and Leh-homestay. All accommodation is on same sex twin-sharing (couples double-room). Sometimes there might a single occupancy in a double room.

Single Room Supplements
No single-room supplement.

If you need to cancel your booking, please do so in writing. If your cancellation is received more than eight weeks before your departure date, 50% of your deposit will be refunded. If cancellation is received less than eight weeks before the departure date, there will be no refund.

If you are delayed or think you might be late. Contact details will be available and everything possible will be done to make alternative arrangements in order to meet further down the road. Extra costs may be incurred.

No refunds given if a person/s leave a tour en-route.

Our tours are planned several months in advance to avoid adverse climate conditions. However, changes will be made (en-route) if unfavorable weather hampers our progress. However, while on tour should any unforeseeable situations arise beyond our control, e.g. landslides, snowpack, earthquake or glacier movement. As safety of all our riders is paramount, we will make changes en-route and detour to continue with the adventure.

Tour Amendment
If we find there are insufficient numbers of riders in a particular tour group. We reserve the right to amend or cancel the tour. We will also ensure to the best of our ability that you get exactly what you pay for. However, if there are circumstances beyond our control, i.e. political unrest, or any other unpredictable events, we will take every precaution to take an alternative route to continue with your adventures.


You are responsible for your travel insurance and it is a condition of joining any of our expeditions that you are covered against following: Trip cancellations and delays, full medical – accidental cover including repatriation, general liability – loss of luggage.

Please be aware, that HMC or any of our agents will not be held responsible for any damage to or loss of your personal property.

On our Trans – Himalaya and Ladakh expeditions, Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) on the high-roads and passes can cause some riders problems. We take great care of those susceptible to such difficulties and make sure immediate action is taken. For general health advice and inoculations, please consult your doctor.

Please let us know if you have a medical condition which we should know about, or if high altitude is a problem. We can take appropriate actions when journeying.

Please feel free to contact us anytime for clarification or click here to got to FAQ’s.



CALL # +91 93 119 119 06